Dialouge Day - Economy and Technology 2024


We look forward to welcoming you again this year at the Dialogue Day - Business and Technology on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

A varied program with insights into student projects, current research projects by academic staff and contacts with corporate partners awaits you.

The WiWi-Research Talks will focus on this year’s leading topic „Openness and Transparency in Economics“. At 5pm, the Faculty Annual Celebration will begin with a keynote of Prof. Dr. Simeon Schudy (University Ulm) about "Transparency in Economic Research" and the presentation of the faculty awards.

From 6:30pm onwards, participants can enjoy the evening with snacks, drinks and interesting discussions. The Dialouge Day will take place at the Tulla lecture hall (building 11.40). 



Program Details

WiWi-Junior Research Talks
At the WiWi Junior Research Talks, academic staff will present current research projects on this year's leading topic "Openness and transparency in economics".

Pitch Session Teamprojects

As part of the "Business and Technology" team project course, students work in small groups on interdisciplinary issues at the interface of economics and STEM subjects.
The outcome of the projects is typically not just a presentation or a report, but an artefact, e.g. a method, an algorithm, a model, software or a component.

During the pitch session at the Dialouge Day , students present their results and are then available to answer questions during the poster session.

In the summer semester 2024, the following questions were addressed by the students in cooperation with various institutes of the KIT-Department of Economics and Management:

  • Quality control using machine learning on the basis of standardized,
  • administration shell-based data models (WBK)
  • Innovation Management: Goal-setting & project choice in Teams (IISM)
  • Your IKIGAI in real-time (EnTechnon)
  • Towards the Development of a Medical Software Device Business Model Framework (EnTechnon)
  • Development of an LLM-based Interview Bot for User Research (IISM)
  • A User-Friendly Web Application for the Taxonomy of Online Disinformation (FZI)
  • Designing Micro Adventures – Für mehr Transferdenken an Universitaten (EnTechnon)
  • Development of a digital "train the trainer" concept for transfer thinking at
  • universities (EnTechnon)
  • Digitalizing Payment for Human Subject Research: The KD2Lab Use Case (IBU)
  • Probabilistic forecasts in practice: development of a prediction game for
  • science communication (STAT, SME,EWIFO)
  • Development of an AI-based tool for the ontological mapping of
  • security knowledge (AIFB)
  • Are you serious? Identifying (non-)verbal signals in video meetings (IBU)
  • Development of an assessment tool for learning readiness and lifelong learning (IISM)
  • Mapping Polarisation – Interpretable Visualisiations for Jounalism and NGOs (IISM)
  • XR in Education: Enriching an Artificial Intelligence Lecture with Unity-based XR
  • Applications (IISM)

Curious? You can find an overview of the results of the team projects from the last semester on our Youtube Kanal.


Partner Exhibition
If you want to get in touch with interesting companies. Visit the partner exhibition and meet the following companies:


If you have any questions about the event, please contact Melanie Ungemach (melanie.ungemach∂kit.edu / phone: +49 721 608 – 45623).  

Review: Dialogue Day - Business & Technology 2023

The KIT Faculty of Economics cordially invites you to the "Dialogue Day - Economics & Technology" on June 22, 2023, starting at 3:30 p.m. at Blücherstraße 17.

The leading topic 2023 is"Hybrid Adaptive Systems". There will be exciting keynote presentations from science and practice on this topic. Then, at 5:30 p.m., the Faculty Annual Celebration will begin, including a scientific keynote address by Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz from the University of Bremen. In addition, the faculty awards will also be presented. With snacks and drinks and interesting dialogues, all participants can then enjoy the evening from 6.30 pm onwards.

More details about the agenda will follow soon. We look forward to your participation.


Review: Dialogue Day - Business & Technology 2022

The KIT Faculty of Economics cordially invites you to the "Dialogue Day - Economics & Technology" On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the third "Dialogue Day - Economics & Technology" took place, but for the first time completely in presence at KIT Campus South due to pandemic.

The main topic in 2022 was "Sustainable Management", on which there were again many exciting impulse lectures from science and practice.

The Dialogue Day started with the scientific keynote of Dr. Rebekka Volk, group leader of the research group "Project and Resource Management in the Built Environment" (Habilitandin), Institute of Industrial Management and Industrial Production (IIP), KIT on the topic."Sustainable Management - Chances and Limits of the Circular Economy". opened.

This was followed by short keynote speeches with subsequent discussion on the four sessions: Sustainable Digitalization, Sustainable Energy Systems, Sustainable Energy Markets and Sustainable Foundations.

The keynote address "Shifting Paradigms - How Bosch is Shaping Sustainability" by Ellen Bulander, Senior Manager Sustainability at Robert Bosch GmbH provided first-hand practical insights into the industry.

The event concluded with the presentation of the 2022 Faculty Awards(to the award winners) and 2021 Science Awards(to the award winners), as well as the announcement of the results of the teaching evaluation from the summer semester 2021.

With snacks and drinks and interesting dialogues, all participants ended the evening in the Tulla Foyer.

We look forward to the continuation of the "Dialogue Day - Business & Technology" on June 22, 2023.

Laserstrahlen Freepik: kjpargeter
Program guide
Partner 2021_2022
Partner network of the KIT Faculty of Economic Sciences

Review: Dialogue Day 2021

The "Dialog Day - Business & Technology" on June 24, 2021, was held under the motto "Future of Work".

In addition to exciting keynote speeches from practice and economy with representatives of IBM, EnBW, workwise as well as scientific employees of the KIT Faculty of Economics, there was the possibility to get to know our partner companies at the virtual exhibition.

The event was concluded by the hybrid faculty annual party, with a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka, University of Cologne on "Future of Performance Management" and the presentation of the faculty and science awards as well as the appointment of Dr. Sven Spieckermann as honorary professor.

Many thanks to all participants who contributed to a diversified event with exciting dialogues. We look forward to continuing the event in 2022.

Laserstrahlen Foto: Designed by kjpargeter / Freepik
Meetingraum mit Partnerlogos Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Photos Dialogue Day - Economy & Technology 2022