
We are one of the largest and most renowned training centers for students of Industrial Engineering and Management in Germany. With a focus on inderdisciplinary research and study in the field of industrial engineering, informatics and economics, we are contributing to finding sustainable solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

The degree programs Industrial Engineering and Management (BSc and MSc), Information Systems (BSc and MSc, jointly with KIT-Department of Informatics), Digital Economics (BSc and MSc), as well as Business Mathematics (MSc, jointly with KIT-Department of Mathematics) provide a broad and diverse learning environment for students. 


New ERASMUS+ Cooperation

We are pleased to welcome the Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia in Italy and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in Greece as new ERASMUS+ partner universities of the KIT Department of Economics and Management. An application for a stay abroad in the winter semester 2025/26 is possible until December 01, 2024. Information on this in the IRO office hours or at the ERASMUS+ information event on 04.11.

More about our ERASMUS+ Partners
Emilia Grass wird ein Preis von einem Mann und einer Frau verliehenWISDOM
YoungWomen4OR Award for Emilia Graß

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Emilia Graß has been chosen as one of this year's Young Women for Operations Research (YW4OR) awarded by WISDOM (Women in Society: Doing Operational Research and Management Science).

WISDOM is a forum within the EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies) that aims to support, empower, and encourage the participation of all genders in Operations Research and Management Science (shortly OR). One of the goals of WISDOM is to promote championing, networking, and mentoring, particularly of women at the early stages of their careers in OR. On Thursday, 14th November Emilia Graß will give insights into her current research at the YW4OR webinar.

More about the YW4OR Webinar
KIT building
Welcome at KIT

We welcome all students - especially the first semester students and employees of the KIT Department of Economics and Management in the winter term 2024/25. We wish you an insightful and fun semester. For everyone starting their studies at KIT, we have tried to summarize the most important first steps for starting your degree program at KIT.

Start of Study
Prof. Mädche übergibt eine Urkunde an zwei Studenten und eine Studentin
Handover of three IS Scholarships

The information system students Daniel Hotze, Hannah Heimpel, Levente Mihalyi, and received an IS scholarship funded by Schwarz IT. The scholarship runs for 12 months and supports scholarship holders with 300 Euros per month. The scholarship is awarded by the non-profit association "Die Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V." and serves to promote young people in the field of IS. The scholarship is funded by companies that provide the financial support. For the 2024/25 period, three IS scholarships were funded by Schwarz IT KG at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) supporting students of  the Information Systems program. We congratulate the scholarship holders and thank Schwarz IT for their support. 

More about Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V.
KIt logo
Tenure Track Professorship

We are looking for an internationally recognized personality for the Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) “Information Systems II - Digital Energy Markets”. Focus of the professorship will be on the socio-technical understanding and designing of digital energy markets using empirical and design-oriented research methods. We are looking forward to your applications by 15th November 2024.

Job Description
Botanical garden Karlsruhe
Invitation to Inaugural and Farewell Lecture

The Institute of Industrial Production (IIP) invites you to the inaugural lecture of PD Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk and the farewell lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lützkendorf. You can look forward to lectures on the circular economy and the topic of sustainability. We cordially invite all students and employees of the KIT Department of Economics and Management as well as all other interested parties. Please register by October 31.

More about the Program
Logo HICCS Konferenz
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2025

The research groups of Professors Satzger, Sunyaev and Weinhardt will be represented with a total of 10 papers at the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2025. Congratulations to all authors!

Learn more about the papers
Prof. Hesthaven smiling into the cameraKarlsruher Institut für Technologie
New KIT President

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Jan S. Hesthaven, who took office as President of KIT on October 1, 2024. For the 58-year-old Dane, the focus of his first term of office is clearly on positioning KIT in the international and national knowledge landscape. We look forward to working with him and wish him a good start in his new position.

Learn more about Prof. Hesthaven
Conference room
AIK-Symposium: Security and Privacy made in Karlsruhe

The 39th symposium of the Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe e.V. (AIK) association will address and discuss the current status in the research fields of IT security and privacy protection with experts in a total of five presentations, as well as support services and educational measures to increase risk awareness - from psychological factors to behavior in crisis situations. IT security expert Professor Melanie Volkamer from KIT and the SECUSO research group were responsible for organizing the content.

More about the AIK Symposium
Logo 50 Jahre WiWiChristine Heinrich
50 Years WiWi - Chronicle

Do you need something to read for cozy autumn days? In 2022, the KIT Department of Economics and Management celebrated its 50th anniversary. On the occasion of this anniversary, a comprehensive chronicle of the department's history was compiled. If you would like to receive one or more copies, please contact Melanie Ungemach.

Learn more
cbscbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH
From Working Student to Consulting Director in SAP Consulting

In this article, Maximilian Thür, Consulting Director at cbs, talks about his career and what makes working at cbs special for him. Max never gets bored, because "every project is unique, as you always have to deal with different personalities and industries."

Read the article
Marc WoutersKarlsruher Institut für Technologie
Science Awards 2023

Every year, the KIT-Department of Economics and Management awards the science prizes for the best scientific work. During the Dialogtag on July 17, the prizes were awarded for works completed in the period January 01, 2023-December 31, 2023. The prizes were presented by our Dean Prof. Wouters. We congratulate all prizewinners for this special achievement and wish them every success in their future careers. Thanks also to the Schleicher Foundation Baden-Baden, which sponsors the prize.

To the winners
Students at KITKarlsruher Institut für Technologie
First-year-students at KIT

Are you starting your studies at the KIT-Department of Economics and Management in the winter term 2024? Based on our information event for applicants, we have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can also find more information about starting your studies here. We wish you a good start to your studies and would like to remind you once again to take part in the O-Phase, which will make your arrival at KIT easier. The information is only available in German.

To the FAQs
Absolventen im Audimax
WiWi Graduation Ceremony

On July 20, the graduation ceremony of the KIT-Department of Economics and Management took place, organized by the Fachschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaften. KIT-WiWi Alumni Dr. Frank Schlottmann (CEO msg systems ag) was invited as keynote speaker -  thank you very much for your words!

Congratulations to all graduates and much success and joy for your further studies or career. A big thank you also to the Fachschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaften and their tireless commitment to organizing this great event.

WiWo Ranking 2024

In the current ranking of Wirtschaftswoche, KIT once again came in third place in the Industrial Engineering and Management degree program. HR managers at German companies, thus confirm, that KIT-graduates in Industrial Engineering and Management are in high demand on the job market. KIT also recently achieved very good results in the QS World University Ranking and is ranked 102nd worldwide.

Learn more
Two Students looking at a paperMarkus Breig, KIT
CHE Master Ranking 2023: KIT with top results in industrial engineering and business informatics

The Industrial Engineering and Information Systems master degree programs receive extremely positive ratings in the current CHE Master's ranking. The "range of courses" category is particularly highlighted, especially for the "breadth of course content", "opportunities for individual specialization in the degree course" and "digital teaching elements". The Master's in Industrial Engineering and Management also achieved excellent ratings in "General study situation" and "Support during studies". In the Master's in Information Systems, KIT scores above average in "Research orientation of the degree program", with positive ratings for student participation in research projects and integration of current research results into teaching.

Learn more

Event Calendar

Alter Senatssaal
Gebäude 10.11 · Raum 223 (Sitzungssaal Hauptgebäude) …
PD Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk & Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lützkendorf, IIP
The Institute of Industrial Production (IIP) invites you to the inaugural lecture of PD Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk and the farewell lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lützkendorf.
When? Wednesday, November 06 from 17:30h Where? Old Senate Hall, Building 10.11, Room 223
What to expect:
Introduction of the new colleague (Dean of the KIT Faculty of Economics (WIWI) Inaugural lecture “Challenges of the Circular Economy”, PD Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk (IIP) Farewell to the colleague (Dean of the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics (WIWI) Farewell lecture “Sustainability - Phrase, phase or guiding principle?”, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lützkendorf (IIP) Followed by a reception
For planning purposes, please register informally by October 31, 2024 at this link: https://tinyurl.com/255l8v95
Dr. Regine Endsuleit, Zentrale Studienberatung
Du interessierst dich für den Bachelorstudiengang „Wirtschaftsinformatik“ am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)? - Dann ist diese Infoveranstaltung der Zentralen Studienberatung (ZSB) sicherlich genau das richtige Angebot für dich!
Vorgestellt werden: Lerninhalte, Aufbau und Qualifikationsziele des Studienganges sowie Berufsperspektiven und der Weg in den konsekutiven Master. Des Weiteren wird es gehen um die formalen Zugangsvoraussetzungen zum Studium, den Bewerbungsprozess insgesamt sowie das hochschuleigene Auswahlverfahren. Wir nehmen außerdem die Besonderheiten des Studienganges am KIT im Vergleich zu anderen Hochschul(art)en in den Blick und du lernst mögliche weitere Kriterien für deine persönliche Studienentscheidung kennen. Ein aktives Mitwirken deinerseits durch Fragen, Fragen, Fragen ist ausdrücklich erwünscht!
Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher Sprache statt. Eine Anmeldung ist nur bis 12.00 Uhr am Vortag möglich.
Hinweis: Die Veranstaltung findet über zoom statt. Zeitnah vor Veranstaltungsbeginn wird der Link zum Meetingraum per Email an die bei der Anmeldung benutzten Emailadresse verschickt. Um an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen, wird ein Laptop, Tablet oder Handy mit Internetzugang, Mikrofon und Kamera benötigt.
Carmen Reck, Studienberaterin
Du interessierst dich für einen der Bachelorstudiengänge „Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen“ oder "Digital Economics" am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)? - Dann ist diese Infoveranstaltung der Zentralen Studienberatung (ZSB) genau das richtige Angebot für dich!
Vorgestellt werden: Lerninhalte, Aufbau und Qualifikationsziele des Studiengangs sowie Berufsperspektiven und der Weg in den konsekutiven Master. Des Weiteren wird es gehen um die formalen Zugangsvoraussetzungen zum Studium, den Bewerbungsprozess insgesamt sowie das hochschuleigene Auswahlverfahren. Wir nehmen außerdem die Besonderheiten des Studiengangs am KIT im Vergleich zu anderen Hochschul(art)en in den Blick und du lernst mögliche weitere Kriterien für deine persönliche Studienentscheidung kennen. Ein aktives Mitwirken deinerseits durch Fragen, Fragen, Fragen ist ausdrücklich erwünscht!
Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher Sprache statt. Eine Anmeldung ist nur bis 12.00 Uhr am Vortag möglich.
Hinweis: Die Veranstaltung findet über zoom statt. Zeitnah vor Veranstaltungsbeginn wird der Link zum Meetingraum per Email an die bei der Anmeldung benutzten Emailadresse verschickt. Um an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen, wird ein Laptop, Tablet oder Handy mit Internetzugang, Mikrofon und Kamera benötigt.