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Applied Informatics [M-WIWI-105112]

Jedes Semester
1 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Identifier Name LP
T-WIWI-102748 Advanced Programming - Application of Business Software 4.5
T-WIWI-110338 Applied Informatics – Modelling 4
T-WIWI-110338 Applied Informatics – Modelling 4.5
T-WIWI-102747 Advanced Programming - Java Network Programming 4.5
T-WIWI-110342 Applied Informatics – Information Security 4.5
T-WIWI-110343 Applied Informatics – Software Engineering 4.5
T-WIWI-110340 Applied Informatics – Applications of Artificial Intelligence 4.5
T-WIWI-110341 Applied Informatics – Database Systems 4.5
T-WIWI-110339 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 4
T-WIWI-110339 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 4.5

Competence Certificate

The assessment is carried out as two partial exams (according to Section 4(2) of the examination regulation) of the single courses of this module. For passing the module exam in every singled partial exam the respective minimum requirements has to be achieved.

  • Partial exam I: Advanced Programming - Java Network Programming or alternativly Advanced Programming - Application of Business Software
  • Partial exam II: all the rest

The examinations are offered every semester. Re-examinations are offered at every ordinary examination date. The assessment procedures are described for each course of the module seperately.

When every singled examination is passed, the overall grade of the module is the average of the grades for each course weighted by the credits and truncated after the first decimal.

Competence Goal

The student

  • has the capability of dealing with the practical application of the Java programming language (which is the dominating programming language in many application areas) or alternatively the ability to configure, parameterize and deploy enterprise software to enable, support and automate business processes,
  • knows in depth methods and systems of a core area or a core application area of Informatics according to the contents dealt with in the lectures,
  • can choose these methods and system situation adequately and can furthermore design and employ them for problem solving,
  • is able to independently find strategic and creative answers in the finding of solutions to well defined, concrete, and abstract problems.


In this module, object-oriented programming skills using the Java programming language are further deepened. Alternatively important fundamentals of business information systems are conveyed that enable, support and accelerate new forms of business processes and organizational forms. Based on a core application area, basic methods and techniques of computer science are presented.


The total workload for this module is approximately 270 hours. For further information see German version.